Electrical Machine

DC Motor Applications | Selection of DC Motors for a Particular Applications

Different DC motors are used in industry for various applications. Which type of motor will suit a particular load depends on the requirements of the load and characteristics exhibited by the motor. Applications of different motors are as under: DC Shunt Motor Applications Fig. 1: DC Shunt Motor Torque speed characteristics.

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What is BLDC Motor (or Brushless DC Motor)? Working Principle, Construction & Applications

There are many configurations of ac synchronous motors in which semiconductor control is used for controlling the stator currents in such a way that maximum torque is obtained at a given speed. Such configurations can be termed as brushless dc motors (or BLDC motors). Fig. 1: Construction of BLDC motor.

What is BLDC Motor (or Brushless DC Motor)? Working Principle, Construction & Applications Read More »

What is Variable Reluctance Stepper Motor? Working, Diagram & Construction

Variable reluctance stepper motor employs the principle of minimum  reluctance path i.e. the magnetic circuit gets completed by the flux taking the minimum reluctance path, just as in electric circuit, the current takes the minimum resistance path. Depending on the stator excitations the motor aligns itself so as to provide a minimum reluctance path for

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