What is Vapour Pressure Thermometer? Working, Construction, Diagram & Applications

In Vapour Pressure Thermometers, a filling substance may be liquid, gas or vapour. Vapour pressure thermometer falls in the category of filled system thermometer. Working and Construction of Vapour Pressure Thermometer Figure 1: Vapour Pressure Thermometer.

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What is Weston Type Frequency Meter? Construction, Working & Diagram

Construction of Weston Type Frequency Meter The construction and connection diagram of the Weston type frequency meter is shown in the Figure 1. It consists of two coils, coil-1 and coil-2 (each divided into two parts) which are placed perpendicular to each other. Figure (1): Weston Type Frequency Meter.

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Moving Iron Instrument (or MI Instrument) – Working, Diagram & Types

In Moving Iron instruments (or MI Instruments), an iron piece moves, when repelled (or attracted) by the magnetic field of a coil. With the moving piece, a pointer is attached which shows deflection on a calibrated scale. These instruments are simple, cheap and reasonably accurate and can be used for ac/dc measurements hence find extensive

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What is Split Phase Induction Motor? Working, Diagram, Phasor Diagram, Applications & Characteristics

A Split Phase Induction Motor is a type of single-phase motor that has two windings: a main winding and a starting winding. The primary feature of this motor is its ability to create a phase difference between the currents in the main and starting windings, which helps generate the necessary starting torque. Fig. 1. Split

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